2021 CHP Annual Report
2021 中華紙漿年度年報
CL.—Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation
AD.—Yu-Shu Chien
C.—Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation
I.—Hanna Chen
D.—Yu-Shu Chien
2021 中華紙漿年度年報
CL.—Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation
AD.—Yu-Shu Chien
C.—Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation
I.—Hanna Chen
D.—Yu-Shu Chien
Since 2021, CHP has been actively transforming by diversifying the application of existing materials. Sludge generated from the pulping process and leftover wood chips can be further processed into new applications, including asphalt, landscaping, and agricultural improvement. In addition to the existing paper products, the Taoyuan Guanyin plant began operations in July 2021 and new pulp plastic production lines of the Hualien plant began operations in August 2021. With the rise of environmental awareness, CHP will continue to strengthen the CircuWell non-plastic food-safety paper products and utilize the advantages of pulping to produce circular products, focusing on a circular economy as the development core. We also plan to gradually transform the production portfolio from paper stationery products to industrial-use special materials to meet the diverse demands of the packaging, food, and electronics industry. Industrialized countries have greater demands for multi-use special purpose paper products, and the emerging new market also have stronger demands day by day. These are the source for sales value growth.
Looking ahead to 2022, we will continue to improve the quality of our products, strengthen the hold on raw materials and product supply stability, as well as expand the applications of our products and improve local services. In response to the Corporation’s ESG practices and the trend of developing green supply chains, CHP will use its 50-year power generation technology to expand investment in renewable energy products. We plan to strengthen existing biofuel, methane and solar energy, and develop next-generation energy applications to realize a new circular economy blueprint and achieve carbon neutrality.
2021 年以來,華紙積極轉型為現有材料的多元應用。紙漿的製程中產生的淤泥及製漿所剩餘的木屑,都可再進行處理,衍生出其他新應用,包括馬路瀝青、景觀造景、農產改良等。除了原有的紙類產品外,桃園觀音廠 2021/7 月已開始運營,花蓮廠漿塑新產線也在 2021/8 月開出,順應近年吹起的環保風,未來將持續強化 CircuWell 非塑食安用紙系列等產品的佈局,以循環經濟為發展核心,利用製漿優勢生產全循環終端產品。並逐步計畫將生產組合由文化用紙轉型為產業用特殊材料,供應包裝、食品、電子產業等多元需求。工業先進國家對多功能特殊紙需求提升,新興市場的需求量亦日益增強,為營業額成長動能的源頭活水。
展望 2022 年,將持續精進產品品質,強化掌握原料及進口產品供應穩定度,並擴大產品的應用、提升在地服務。並因應企業 ESG 的發展及綠色供應鏈發展趨勢,華紙將以本身擁有的 50 年發電技術,擴大投資於再生能源項目,計畫強化既有生質能、沼氣與太陽能,開展新一代能源應用,積極落實新的循環經濟藍圖,成為碳中和的實踐者。
Looking ahead to 2022, we will continue to improve the quality of our products, strengthen the hold on raw materials and product supply stability, as well as expand the applications of our products and improve local services. In response to the Corporation’s ESG practices and the trend of developing green supply chains, CHP will use its 50-year power generation technology to expand investment in renewable energy products. We plan to strengthen existing biofuel, methane and solar energy, and develop next-generation energy applications to realize a new circular economy blueprint and achieve carbon neutrality.
2021 年以來,華紙積極轉型為現有材料的多元應用。紙漿的製程中產生的淤泥及製漿所剩餘的木屑,都可再進行處理,衍生出其他新應用,包括馬路瀝青、景觀造景、農產改良等。除了原有的紙類產品外,桃園觀音廠 2021/7 月已開始運營,花蓮廠漿塑新產線也在 2021/8 月開出,順應近年吹起的環保風,未來將持續強化 CircuWell 非塑食安用紙系列等產品的佈局,以循環經濟為發展核心,利用製漿優勢生產全循環終端產品。並逐步計畫將生產組合由文化用紙轉型為產業用特殊材料,供應包裝、食品、電子產業等多元需求。工業先進國家對多功能特殊紙需求提升,新興市場的需求量亦日益增強,為營業額成長動能的源頭活水。
展望 2022 年,將持續精進產品品質,強化掌握原料及進口產品供應穩定度,並擴大產品的應用、提升在地服務。並因應企業 ESG 的發展及綠色供應鏈發展趨勢,華紙將以本身擁有的 50 年發電技術,擴大投資於再生能源項目,計畫強化既有生質能、沼氣與太陽能,開展新一代能源應用,積極落實新的循環經濟藍圖,成為碳中和的實踐者。