2023 6th Global Corporate Sustainability Forum
CL.—Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy
AD.—Yu-Shu Chien
C.—Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy
D.—Yu-Hsin Chan, Yu-Shu Chien
P.—Lee-Juan Show, Steve Tsai
CL.—Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy
AD.—Yu-Shu Chien
C.—Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy
D.—Yu-Hsin Chan, Yu-Shu Chien
P.—Lee-Juan Show, Steve Tsai
Welcome everyone to participate in the "2023 6th Global Corporate Sustainability Forum," hosted by the Alliance for Sustainable Development Goals (A·SDGs) and organized by the TAISE. This year is significant as we may have experienced the hottest year in human history, with climate change leading to a notable increase in the probability and intensity of extreme weather events. It has expedited the world's entry into a transformative new era.
In response to global enterprises actively addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and the Paris Agreement, this forum connects Taiwan's various sectors with international organizations. Under the theme "Accelerating Transition In Global Change," the forum aims to promote the transformation towards net-zero emissions through both online and in-person forum events, uniting to confront the challenge of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
Breaking away from tradition, this forum spans four days, featuring not only the joint award ceremony for the global & Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards but also inviting businesses from diverse sectors to share innovative practices that could achieve a transformation towards sustainability. Furthermore, it brings together 21 outstanding domestic and international units from academia and industry engaged in net-zero transformation, hosting an online forum, a summit, and up to 24 sub-forums to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and exchange. Let us all participate and witness together as we face the challenges and opportunities brought about by the global 2050 net-zero goal!
歡迎大家參與由永續發展目標聯盟(A·SDGs)總策劃、台灣永能源研究基金會(TAISE)執行的「2023年第六屆GCSF全球企業永論壇」特別是今年我們可能歷經人類有史以來最熱的一年,氣候變遷造成極端天氣事件發生的機率與強度明顯升高,更加快催促著全世界進入翻轉的新時代。因應全球企業積極應對聯合國永續發展目標及巴黎協定,本論壇連結灣各界與國際組織,並以「全球變遷中的加速轉型」(Accelerating Transition In Global Change) 為主軸,透過線上及實體的論壇活動,促進淨零轉型,攜手面對2050淨零排放之挑戰。
In response to global enterprises actively addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and the Paris Agreement, this forum connects Taiwan's various sectors with international organizations. Under the theme "Accelerating Transition In Global Change," the forum aims to promote the transformation towards net-zero emissions through both online and in-person forum events, uniting to confront the challenge of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
Breaking away from tradition, this forum spans four days, featuring not only the joint award ceremony for the global & Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards but also inviting businesses from diverse sectors to share innovative practices that could achieve a transformation towards sustainability. Furthermore, it brings together 21 outstanding domestic and international units from academia and industry engaged in net-zero transformation, hosting an online forum, a summit, and up to 24 sub-forums to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and exchange. Let us all participate and witness together as we face the challenges and opportunities brought about by the global 2050 net-zero goal!
歡迎大家參與由永續發展目標聯盟(A·SDGs)總策劃、台灣永能源研究基金會(TAISE)執行的「2023年第六屆GCSF全球企業永論壇」特別是今年我們可能歷經人類有史以來最熱的一年,氣候變遷造成極端天氣事件發生的機率與強度明顯升高,更加快催促著全世界進入翻轉的新時代。因應全球企業積極應對聯合國永續發展目標及巴黎協定,本論壇連結灣各界與國際組織,並以「全球變遷中的加速轉型」(Accelerating Transition In Global Change) 為主軸,透過線上及實體的論壇活動,促進淨零轉型,攜手面對2050淨零排放之挑戰。