2023 CHP Annual Report
2023 中華紙漿年度年報

CL.—Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation
AD.—Yu-Shu Chien
C.—Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation
I.—Hanna Chen
D.—Yu-Shu Chien
P.—Lee-Juan Show
Manufacturing activities have slowed in several countries due to weakened demand for end products, resulting from factors such as high interest rates, high inflation, and weaker-than-expected post-pandemic economic performance in China in 2023. At the same time, the US has expanded its chip ban against China, and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, continues. The global geopolitical landscape is trending towards group confrontation, impacting global economic development and social stability.

In the year 2024, CHP will focus on creating circular products. They will offer a new and improved kraft paper tape made of recyclable fibers that can be recycled alongside paper cartons after use. This tape can be used for shipping packages and sealing boxes, providing an eco-friendly packaging alternative for the booming e-commerce industry. Moreover, CHP will promote this product worldwide. CHP not only focuses on creating eco-friendly products but has also established the most powerful biomass power generation system in Taiwan at its Hualien mill. CHP has obtained green certificates and the mill can produce 150 million kilowatt-hours worth of green certificates annually. CHP will continuously expand its range of renewable energy sources and has implemented smart energy management models to enhance energy efficiency. The Company aims to achieve energy independence and keep pace with the green energy trend. The ultimate goals are corporate net zero, sustainability, and carbon neutrality.

由於 2023 年面臨高利率、高通膨,以及中國疫情後經濟未如預期表現等多重因素的影響,全球終端產品需求減弱,導致各國製造業活動減緩。同時,美中晶片禁令擴大、俄烏戰爭及以巴衝突持續,全球地緣政治走向呈現集團對抗之趨勢,對全球經濟發展和社會穩定產生了影響。

展望 2024 年,華紙持續針對「全循環」產品做開發,以可回收纖維製成的「改良型牛皮紙膠帶」使用後可跟紙箱同步丟入紙類回收體系,作為物流快遞及日常封箱使用,在蓬勃發展的電商網購及包裝市場,提供環保包材新選擇,也將同步推進國際市場。華紙除了專注於綠色產品開發外,在綠色能源的發展方面,已於花蓮廠設置台灣發電量最大的生質能發電系統,並取得綠電憑證,一年可提供 1.5 億度綠電憑證。華紙亦持續開展更多元化的再生能源,導入智慧能源管理模式,提高能源效率使用。確保能源自主並掌握綠能發展趨勢,踏實走向企業淨零永續與達成碳中和的終極目標。

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