The Year of the Dragon Spring Couplets

CL.—Lungshan Temple
I.—Yu-Hsin Chan
D.—Yu-Shu Chien
P.—Wen-Yu Su
To usher in the Year of the Dragon, the Spring Couplets — New Year’s couplets — are accompanied by the greetings "The auspicious dragon of glory; the hundred fortunes of blessings" and decorated with clearly defined lines of the dragon pillars of bronze that stood vivid and lifelike in Sanchuan Hall. May every one of you break through the struggles of life, fly with your head held high towards the goals, and be showered by the good luck and blessings from the Dragon.

When it comes to the stages of printing and processing, two spot colors—red and metallic—were used, detailed with partial bronzing and a spot varnish finish, adding more variety to the Couplets.

迎接甲辰龍年,以「龍耀翔瑞 百福駢臻」賀詞作為春聯吉祥語,並繪製線條分明、姿態栩栩如生的三川殿銅鑄蟠龍柱。祝福每人都能奮力扭身昂首飛翔,朝向目標邁進,並且好運福氣龍總來。


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