Xiang Qing

AD.—Yu-Shu Chien
D.—Yu-Shu Chien
ID.—Shiang design studio
P.—Chuan-Shun Huang
The concept of downtown management shortens the distance between farmers and consumers. The platform can provide fresh, convenient, affordable, and diversified ways for customers who can easily enjoy high-quality farming and animal products from all over the world.

巷青生鮮蔬果市集,公司理念以街市的經營理念,目的在縮短農民與消費者中間的距離,提供新鮮,便利,平價,且多元化的選購平台,讓客人輕鬆就能品嚐到來自世界各地優質的農畜產品。未來希望 以連鎖型態及多角化的經營為目標,希望能服務更多廣大的消費者。

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